Club Membership

To become a member, download and complete our membership form via button below. Complete the form and email to: [email protected]

Reminder about Club Membership

The first of April is our renewal date and membership forms are given out during March so we can pay on time. A period of one month is more than sufficient grace to get this done by.


If you have not renewed but have raced under SDAC’s name in the Grand Prix or Club Champs then points will not count, only in future races after you have renewed.


It’s unfair that members who pay on time have to subsidise others as E.A. Membership has to be paid in April and this forms a large part of your membership.


Should you not wish to renew please have the courtesy to inform the membership secretary before April is out.


Coaches that are actively coaching pay half fees but still have to pay their E.A Membership as we cannot subsidise this.


Alan Sloman – Honorary Vice President


South Devon Athletic Club


South Devon Athletic Club

South Devon Athletic Club

We are a friendly running club based in Paignton and cater for runners of all abilities and ages. Whether you want to run for fun, fitness or competition we have qualified coaches who can help you achieve your goals.

General Club Information

We meet a Clennon Valley Leisure Centre on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the following times:


  • Tuesdays at 6.25pm to start at 6.30pm
Speed and endurance training
  • Thursdays at 6.35pm to start at 6.45pm
- Run 6-8 miles in groups (medium, fast)
  • Run / walk group 4-5 miles – ideal for beginners or for those returning from injury
  • Juniors (meet on Mondays between 6-8pm at Churston Ferrers Grammar School.


New members are always welcome... come along for a few free trial sessions!