
South Devon Athletics Club – Junior section is a friendly and welcoming athletics club, which provides up to 3 sessions per week.

Our main training session is on Monday nights at Churston Ferrers Grammar School.


In the winter we go inside and use the sports hall. During the summer months we can normally be found training on the field.  Follow the car park entrance at the front of the school around to the back (signage to Sports Hall) and you’ll find us there – inside or outside:


We also have a smaller group on Thursday evenings doing outdoor speed/endurance and steady pace running from Torbay Leisure Centre (meeting at the side of the Sports Centre / car park) at 6pm – session ending by 7pm.


Additionally, we go to the track at Exeter Arena on Saturday mornings – note this is coach availability dependent. The focus is on sprints, hurdles and middle distance (800/1500m), as well as throws (shot put, javelin & discus) – athletes choose which they prefer to focus on.

The following groups train on Monday evenings.


October to March (Sports hall):

  • 6pm – 7pm – School Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 (years 6/7 may vary between the 2 groups)
  • 7pm – 8pm – School Years 6/7 – 13


April to September (Sports field):

  • All ages 6pm-7.45pm – note that early and late season the finish time may be slightly earlier for available light.

Note that we do not train during the school holidays.

Monday Training Activities in the sessions are varied from week to week including sprints and hurdles, general fitness / circuit training, plyometrics, high jump, long jump, javelin, shot put & endurance runs (usually 15 – 20 mins duration, with rests), as well as athletics-based games.


Older youth athletes who are established may undertake a more event specific training programme organised by Steve Carr – Sprint & Hurdles specialist. Athletes should wear suitable training attire / trainers including a warm top (& waterproof when we are outdoors) & a water bottle.


The first couple of sessions are free trial / taster sessions, after which, if you wish to continue, completion of the membership form and annual fee payment is required, along with the term fee. Fees are currently £18pa Annual Membership + 3 x £12 Term fees (payable at the start of each Term) to pay for hire of Churston venue and equipment. Additionally, athletes who wish to compete at England Athletics competition events would have to pay for EA registration/membership – circa £19 from April 2024.

We hold an intra-club Grand Prix competition during our training sessions – approx. one event per month.  Points are awarded within age groups (10 down to 1) for 1st to 10th places, and these are added together during the year (January to December), with the best six events counted to determine the winners.


Awards are then given at the annual SDAC Club awards night – usually in March, along with various other awards for juniors who have competed for the Club or have been identified by club coaches as suitable for a range of other awards for striving to achieve and train well.

The Club actively participates in the Plymouth based Sportshall League, Westward X Country League events which take place throughout Devon & Cornwall, and the Summer Track & Field events around Devon, Cornwall & Somerset occasionally. Participation at the events for the Club is actively encouraged whatever the ability and equally rewarded at the Annual Awards Night Ceremony.


The Club has a number of Regional level competitors recently and supports competitors to achieve at this level.  The Club also takes part in the South West Athletics League which runs from April to September – 4 events currently Exeter based.


We also participate in the annual inter-clubs Pearson Cup, fought out between SDAC, Torbay, Newton Abbot, and Dartmouth athletic clubs, usually in July each year.


All our coaches are current EA qualified, DBS checked, and this includes Safeguarding and first aid training. The Club Welfare Officer is Steve Carr – one of our Athletics Coaches.

Please contact Vince Langdon, to see if we have space in the group that you wish your child to join by emailing: [email protected]


South Devon Athletic Club


South Devon Athletic Club

South Devon Athletic Club

We are a friendly running club based in Paignton and cater for runners of all abilities and ages. Whether you want to run for fun, fitness or competition we have qualified coaches who can help you achieve your goals.

General Club Information

We meet a Clennon Valley Leisure Centre on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the following times:


  • Tuesdays at 6.25pm to start at 6.30pm
Speed and endurance training
  • Thursdays at 6.35pm to start at 6.45pm
- Run 6-8 miles in groups (medium, fast)
  • Run / walk group 4-5 miles – ideal for beginners or for those returning from injury
  • Juniors (meet on Mondays between 6-8pm at Churston Ferrers Grammar School.


New members are always welcome... come along for a few free trial sessions!